Tuesday, August 30, 2005

the link..

forgot to give the link to the blog of the israli soldier. Here it is:


Sunday, August 28, 2005

First flying heart

First flying heart
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
Poured my first flying heart in a hot choc for wee sis as well. Came across a blog today whilst hopping about. It is worth having a look at from time to time. It only started today by a 19 yr old israli soldier. He is sharing his experience, but can only update every 17 days or so. Check it out, should be an interesting insight into the region.

Heart or Rosetta?

Heart or Rosetta?
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
A pour from a few days ago. It tasted as good as it looks!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Latte and Hot Chocolate 'Macchiato'...

Here's a latte made with 'stolen' (not by me) beans. Check out the dark, dense crema lining the cup!

The smaller 4oz cup in the foreground of the picture is the hot chocolate 'macchiato.' i don't know if the term macchiato can be applied. I am of the opinion that it means to be with a touch of milk, but am unsure of whether it only aplies to espresso or not. Does macchiato means espresso with a touch of milk or is it an espresso macchiato that encorporates both?

Enough late night rambling but come on, art in a 4 oz hot chocolate...that's impressive! ha ha ha


On the topic of hot chocolate

Rosetta in Hot Chocolate
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
I made this hot chocolate for my little sister the other day. She's only five and keeps asking for a shooting star...(suggestions???) I was thrilled with this one though. I am becoming border line consistent with pouring a heart on top of my rosettas! It was made with a Cadburys powder mix hot chocolate which explains the "specking" (read: lumps of powder!) on top. This was in the 8 oz. Starbucks cappa cup I got at CanWest Mall in Victoria. Silly girl there tried to charge me $17.90 for the cup and saucer when it said quite clearly Cup and saucer set for $8.95. She thought it was $8.95 for the cup and then a further $8.95 for the saucer! Anyway it has proven to be an amazing shape for latte art. This hot chocolate mix has also proven great as it is a drinking chocolate rather than a hot chocolate...if that makes any difference? Basically instead of granules it is a very fine powder and actually creates more of a 'crema' on top as you can see in the picture. This is probably the best definition i've had with this method of making hot chocolate.

It got me thinking...if this powder is producing a crema like top making it more like espresso than a granule formula...how will it hold up in different sizes. Is it possible to make a Hot Chocolate 'Macchiato?' The results will be posted next.

Nicky: Surely for me to be deemed unfair with my words I would have had to have been attacking your capabilities. I have re-read the last post and think it is quite clear that the person I am blaming/am slightly irrate with is the supposed best barista in the UK. Surely he should be aware of the importance of changing your grind setting during the day with the changing climate in store, to ensure that you are extracting the optimum level of flavour and arome from each shot of espresso you make. It could be 2 shots a day or 200 a day, but surely it is only fair that each and every customer gets as much as those beans have to offer, which take my word for it, is a whole lot more. The answer to the stolen bean question is yes and the results were phenomenol. The initial shot of espresso i got absolutely blew me away. It poured like honey and had a thick creamy mouthfeel. The actual flavours that shone through were of anise, praline/caramel and nutmeg with a tangy citrus lime after thought (like those Colombian San Augustin Single Origin Peter + Jon). I couldn't believe it! The beans are incredible. I would love to know where they came from.

If you have any pictures of your own latte art nicky and would like them posted here, you can email them to me. My address is scott.uwc@gmail.com I would love to see it. I hope you still don't think i'm being unfair...my thoughts are criticising the fact that whe I was in canada i went out with friends for the day and we hit some cool cafes and the espresso was of a quality we will probably always strive to achieve but here i can make better at home so why would I want to go to a cafe? Why should I spend my money on something that has been left as a guessing game in someones hands rather than taught as an art and craft that it should be and that it is. Lets face it 1.20 is a lot of money for 2oz of crap isn't it? But for 2oz. of pleasure that is prepared out of enjoyment, enthusiasm and strving for the best it really isn't. I hope my points are clear on this.

Next post with hot chocolate macchiato coming right up!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Shot pt 3

Shot pt 3
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
The end at 25 seconds. It was with clements house espresso blend.

It actually tasted better thatn when they make it. I think they have the same problem as the juice bar beside the subway I was in for a while there. The problme being that the barista's (or people using the machine as I would be inclined to call them...) do not understand the importance of a fine grind and merely just assume that whatever comes out is right... Not the fault of the people but surely with clement having the number one and two baristas in the UK they could train their staff to adjust the grind occasionally. Apparently the staff of Tonic (the juice bar) were trained by one of the clements guys which I find disappointing as they seem to have been left alone, the only time the grind setting changes I believe is when they move it accidently when cleaning it! As amusing as this is, it just irritates me that I feel I could have explained and trained the staff better. I hope Nicky gets to grips with latte art as i feel this would increase the coffee sales for the store which is primarily a juice bar.

Enough of my ranting though. It's only cos i care and get frustrated when i get better results at home than in cafes...


Shot pt 2

Shot pt 2
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
At 20 seconds...about to end

Shot pt 1

Shot pt 1
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
The beginning...

This mornings attempt

This mornings attempt
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
I got my weekly inventory completed early this week and so I came home for a latte before rturning to work at 12pm. This is the results with beans from Clements.

I like the hollow leaves. I then decided as i was ahead of schedule that I would pull a shot and take some pics since i haven't done that in a few months. I will post the results in a second.

Well done Nicky, just keep watching video's and reading the milk frothing guide or the latte art section of it and you'll get it. That's what me and pete did! Albeit actually learning from someone is easier as I am sure Jon can vouch for. Thankfully as of today I am permanently in my store again. I was covering for another manager in a shopping centre location as she was on her honeymoon in Paris. It is a good store to work in but I am very happy to be back in my own palace though.

Oh well off to work I go!


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Todays attempt

Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
Thought i'd give this latte art thing a go again. It's been a few days since i've had time but I think i can still do it.

Here is my tea time latte. Sorry about the sarcasm before, I am rather bitter that I had to pull a second shot as the first was horrible, thus the milk went bubbly and tried to seperate and the usual hassle! The result not being too shabby though, it was a little on the cool side regards temperature.

The second shot was worth the wait though. It came through as a very nice one ounce ristretto, crema a little scarce due to the age of the beans, but hey I don't have enough spare time just yet to get fully going in terms of fresh beans etc all the time. It will make me appreciate getting them a lot more.

My bike is off the road until tomorrow. :-( It is getting a new exhaust as well as a puncture repaired and the stand is also getting welded. That comes with a hefty price tag of 155 pounds! ($348.75 cdn) I am not amused but hey, it needs to be done! The new exhaust will be a power pipe instead of a standard one. Apparently it is cheaper but it actually increases performance also. That should give me a top end of about 55mph and a faster acceleration. WooHoo!!!

Can't Wait

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I now have a digital Camera!

Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
It is a lovely little 4.0 megapixel HP Photosmart M22. Rhe quality og the pictures is fantastic. This is my first latte made since it's arrival. I don't think it is a great rosetta but after the amount of Jack Daniels and other concoctions at the after party of the wedding I was at yesterday I am prepared to accept it as a good attempt.

I got my first flat tyre today! How annoying...I kept feeling like the back end of my bike was pushing out and spinning as i turned out of corners and low and behold i had a flat! Only I would notice that AFTER buying my chinese! It wasn't too cold by the time I got home!

I have tracked down a copy of Star Wars II Attack Of The Clones. Borrowed it from a friend and will be watching it tonight once I get back from the hospital. My Great Uncle has been taken in with a brain hemorage (spelling?) and suspected stroke... But I am thoroughly excited about the movie. it is the only one in the series I haven't seen yet!

My throat infection has just cleared up. It lasted a very painful week but after my alchol yesterday it must have been killed off.

As of tomorrow I am the manager of another store while the manager is on her honeymoon! It is bigger than mine but hopefully won't be too much more difficult.

That's all for now. I will be taking advantage of my new camera and should have more coffee pics coming soon. Let's try and get thsi thing back to having some form of coffee undertone at least!


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Scotty's got a brand new bike!

MBK ew 50 stunt
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
So here it is: My first motorbike/moped/thing...

It is 50cc's of pure driving pleasure, with a top speed of somewhere in the realm of 52mph! When asked what i thought of it my response was "That has to be the ugliest thing I have ever laid my eyes on!" It seems to have a lot missing when beside other mopeds but that is because it is a stunt model. It is lighter and i dare say faster, it definately accelerates quicker. I am just glad I have wheels to get me from a to b until i can afford a 125cc! I need transport urgently as I am managing another store whilst the manager is on her honeymoon. The wedding is on Satureday and I am going!!! It is the first wedding i will have been to and I am very excited! I don't have waterproofs and it was raining to donight once i finished work. Suffice to say i am sitting in very wet jeans and am very tired after working all day and then taking myself out in the rain for a 1.5 hour drive in the rain with a viral throat infection.

off to bed: goodnight! Might be getting a digi cam soon and will swing back to latte etc with my new gaggia!

See you all later