Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rosetta videoed for comp
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
I am trying to record something to enter, this is the first attempt. Thankfully there's still two weeks to practice!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Scott! Your are certainly a latte artist!! Today I went to a very trendy place here in Copenhagen where I got a delicious latte on medium Kenyan beans!! - The art here was great too - but frankly, you have done much better!!! I just got myself a machine, a 'Severin' - does it ring any bells? probably not cus it was quite cheap but also quite good I guess. I'll look for a machine when I get to the states too - do you have any suggestions what I should go for? - what is good for the price? - what will you recommend?

it is as always great to read about your espresso journey! keep posting - and keep in touch!

9:50 pm  

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