Holy Cow
The craziest night ever...
We were able to open the cafe one last time before departing for home on thursday!!! We had a total of 28 customers, well 29 if you include Sam Jones, yes that right...the owner of 2% JaZz! Sam Donated 2lbs of fresh beans and came for the night to pull a few and drink a few! Insane! Ok enough of the exclaimation marks already I hear you cry.
So we opened at 9pm with a pound and a half of the 2% house blend and 1/2 pound of Mexican malinal. It all went very well. We did have some serious issues with the machines though. One was having trouble pushing out shots after the 20th (some were a bit oily, a problem Andre has been having with his Silvia recently) and the other startes steaming clockwise and producing super dry foam even though i was doing everything the same! We still managed to pull of art in every cup and Tara, our syrup loving regular, clained tonight was the best she's had from us yet.
To cut a long story short Rita, our brazilian friend, came with her digicam and took a few pics for us so i'll post some soon. Have been gone for a few days finishing off exams and packing up to leave.
Sam: thanks for coming, it was an absolute blast! I will upload and e-mail you the pictures from tonight. I'm liking the weblog also, looking forward to following your life, although a little disturbed that you may be posting your secret bedroom footage... wtf!
We were able to open the cafe one last time before departing for home on thursday!!! We had a total of 28 customers, well 29 if you include Sam Jones, yes that right...the owner of 2% JaZz! Sam Donated 2lbs of fresh beans and came for the night to pull a few and drink a few! Insane! Ok enough of the exclaimation marks already I hear you cry.
So we opened at 9pm with a pound and a half of the 2% house blend and 1/2 pound of Mexican malinal. It all went very well. We did have some serious issues with the machines though. One was having trouble pushing out shots after the 20th (some were a bit oily, a problem Andre has been having with his Silvia recently) and the other startes steaming clockwise and producing super dry foam even though i was doing everything the same! We still managed to pull of art in every cup and Tara, our syrup loving regular, clained tonight was the best she's had from us yet.
To cut a long story short Rita, our brazilian friend, came with her digicam and took a few pics for us so i'll post some soon. Have been gone for a few days finishing off exams and packing up to leave.
Sam: thanks for coming, it was an absolute blast! I will upload and e-mail you the pictures from tonight. I'm liking the weblog also, looking forward to following your life, although a little disturbed that you may be posting your secret bedroom footage... wtf!
Hi there Scotty
I really miss you guys!!! I have lost your e-mail-adress (no surprice - I know) so please write me at icebear4ever@hotmail.com
take care
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افضل شركة نقل عفش بالقطيفافضل شركة نقل عفش بالجبيل
تكثر شركات نقل العفش بمدينة الجبيل، وتكثر أسمائها وارقامها، ولكن تبقى شركةزهرة الشرقيه للخدمات المنزلية لنقل العفش نجماً يتلألأ في سماء مدينة الجبيل، فاسم الشركة العريق مستمد من ريادتها في نقل العفش،
فنقل العفش في شركة زهرة الشرقيه ليس مجرد خدمة لكنه عشق للعمل يتكلل بالجودة والحرفية العالية في أداء الخدمة، فشركةزهرة الشرقيه تعتمد على العمالة المدربة والمهارة في تنفيذ خدمة نقل العفش في عدة مدن
بالمملكة العربية السعودية شركات نقل الأثاث ، وحيث أن هؤلاء العمال مدربون على أعلى مستوى في نقل العفش بدون تعرضه للخدوش أو الأضرار، فسلامة العفش هي مهمتهم الأساسية التي يهدفون إليها.
افضل شركة نقل عفش بالخبر
نقل الأثاث في مدينة الخبر يحتاج لشركة ذات خبرة مثل شركةزهرة الشرقيه للخدمات المنزلية لنقل العفش بالخبر، فالشركة تستهدف معظم المدن بالسعودية شركات
نقل الأثاث ، ويتعامل معها قطاع عريض من العملاء، كلهم أجمعوا على انها أفضل شركة في خدمة نقل الأثاث بالخبر.
شركة نقل عفش بالظهران
ويسعدنا في هذا الموقع أن نكون خير دليل لكم للوصول إلى أفضل الشركات والحلول والطرق والأفكار التي يتم نقل العفش من خلالها ونسعد بخدمتكم وتقديم يد العون لكم لمساعدتكم على حل جميع مشاكلكم
المتعلقة بالعفش والأثاث ونقله واختيار الشركة التي تقوم بهذه المهمة. تواصلوا معنا وسوف تشاهدون ما تميزنا به في عروض الشركات التي تعمل في نقل عفش الخبر وفى كل مناطق المملكة.
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