Monday, March 28, 2005

Gaggia MDF grinder

Gaggia MDF grinder
Originally uploaded by i_got_art.
The grinder of choice at the moment is the Gaggia MDF. This will be the weapon until I can reasonably afford a Mazzer or anything else that can be highly recommended. Spec:

Disc/burr Grinder
100 watt
35 settings

It seems to be pretty good and I have only heard reasonale to very good reviews. Any feedback out there would be greatly appreciated. I really like how it looks as well as the cost at under $400, and it produces a very consistent grind. I am sure it will be great for one of the gaggia machines and if I upgrade machine later to something like a Silvia then I wiil upgrade the grinder as well.

Peter roasted some malabar on saturday night, not sure how far he went as I am off campus but we had great results at light/med roast with it so I think we are waiting util day three of degasing which is tuesday before consuming! Can't wait!



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